Ahh Valentine’s Day, the time to celebrate love…or chocolate, depending on who you ask. Even though love doesn’t cost a thing, this world wide holiday can get pretty pricey. Incase you were dying to know, Americans spent over 19 billion dollars on Valentine’s Day last year. Don’t worry, not everyone believes in the roses and expensive jewelry, and if that’s you…here are 4 ways to save on Valentine’s Day:
Go out before or after Valentine’s Day– A holiday really is just another day in the week right? So there should be no problem in celebrating a day before or after. To you, Valentine’s Day is to celebrate love but business’s see the hopeless romantic and take advantage. A lot of times, restaurants will jack up the prices just to make an extra buck. It’s manipulative, we know.
Deliver your own flowers– People on average will spend 35$ on flowers for Valentine’s Day. Considering those puppies only last a few days, there might be a better way to spend your money. Try delivering your own flowers. Vendors will charge a big delivery fee just because they can. Also try considering day old flowers. As long as you feed them, they will still last a decent amount of time.
Stay at home with a movie– Going to the movies sounds like a great idea until you get that seat where the armrest doesn’t move. So that romantic date were planning just took a quick U-turn. With 15$ a ticket, you can put that towards your electric bill that you haven’t paid in how long? I mean, Netflix was invented for a reason right?
Invite friends over and cook– For everyone that calls it Single Awareness day, this one is for you. Don’t feel obligated to go out on Valentine’s Day, sometimes it is better to just spend it with the friends you love. Divide up the dinner and tell your friends what to bring. If anything, it is a good reason to show off those cooking skills. Just don’t give the main dish to your flakey best friend.