Lift Credit understands that emergencies happen in life, bringing unexpected costs. If you are looking for an installment loan in Idaho, we are here to provide you with the resources you need to get back on your feet. By applying for our online installment loan, you can get fast cash to help you cover immediate needs.
Idaho Personal Loans
Rates & Terms
Idaho Installment Loans
Terms for Installment Loans in Idaho
$100 - $3,000
Repayment Terms for Idaho Installment Loans
15 - 18 months
APR in Idaho
Terms and Conditions for Installment Loans in Idaho
Below is a list of our basic guidelines to aid applicants in knowing whether they should apply. More documentation or conditions may be required for approval. In order to approve an installment loan application and legally provide customers with financial support, we are compliant with Idaho’s specific rules and conditions for lenders. These guidelines affect our installment loan amounts, terms, and rates.
When applying for online installment loans in Idaho, it’s important to take time to review terms, conditions, and privacy policies. Failing to understand the legalities of Idaho installment loans may hurt you in the long run. Below is an example of some of the qualifications needed to be approved for a loan. Additional documentation may be required in some situations.
- At least 18 Years Old
- Monthly Income of at least $1,300
- Resident of Idaho
- Have a Current ID
- No Open Bankruptcies
- Proof of 3 Months of Income
- You must not be an active member of the military or a dependent or spouse of an active military
- Active bank account
Apply with Lift Credit Idaho
It’s always wise to research before applying for installment loans in Idaho. Thus, be sure to learn more about Lift Credit’s Idaho installment loans, our online application process, and what to expect down the road. We provide affordable and innovative installment and personal loans in Idaho. With customized payment schedules, we will help you escape that stressful financial bind.
Common Installment Loan Examples
Our personal loans range from $100 to $3,000 to help you get back on your feet.
Rates and terms are custom to each customer based on your application. Rates are based on the customer’s employment and loan repayment history, as well as a number of other factors. The table above shows loan examples offered to recent Lift Credit customers. If approved, the specific rate and terms of your loan agreement will be unique to you.
Need a little financial education on personal and installment loans before you make a decision? Read these articles to help you make the best financial decision for yourself.
If you have a problem that cannot be resolved by speaking with us and the nature of the complaint is something other than a high rate of interest or lack of funds to pay the loan, you may contact the Idaho Department of Finance at 208-332-8000.