Does work make you miserable? Do you see company layoffs in the future? Are you still living paycheck to paycheck? There are plenty of reasons why you might be thinking about looking for a new job, but here are five signs that prove, now is the time to actually do it!
1- You’re Being Harassed
In this day and age, there are no excuses for workplace harassment. If your boss or co-worker (and your boss does nothing to stop them) is abusing their power or is demeaning, disrespecting, or disregarding you, it’s definitely time to find a new job where you can feel safe and valued.
2- Your Company is Struggling
If your company is struggling, either financially or with in-house staffing, it may be time for you to find a new job before worse comes to worst and you find yourself without stable employment. Be on the lookout for these symptoms of a company that is about to go under: Every member of the staff is unhappy, employee turnover is high, contractors have been released, promotions and bonuses have ceased, there is a hiring freeze, or you are forced to cut back your hours or take unpaid leave.
3- You Have Unhealthy Stress Levels
Constant stress is unhealthy, both physically and psychologically. The repercussions of chronic stress can range from insomnia and anxiety attacks to hypertension and a heart attack. Many jobs go through periods of high stress, but it your job’s stress is ongoing with no signs of it easing up soon, it’s probably time to put your health first and start looking for a new job.
4- Your Relationships are Suffering
If your loving and satisfying relationships are suffering from a lack of time and connection, that should be a major signal it’s time to move on. If you are always at work, or if your mind is always on work even when you’re not there, the meaningful people in your life will begin to feel less and less important to you and they may part. You may want to find a new job that allows you to have a more manageable work-life balance.
5- You’re Out of Money
Living paycheck to paycheck (or even running out of money in between paychecks) can be tough. Sticking with a job that simply doesn’t pay you enough to live your life comfortably is not a good long-term strategy. You can talk to your boss and try to negotiate a salary that is fairer to you and the work you are performing, but if a pay raise isn’t on the horizon, you may need to find a new job that can better support you and your family financially.
Whether you want to make more money, better utilize your talents (and actually be appreciated for them), or have better work-life balance, finding the right job for you will mean you can achieve your career goals and make yourself happier at the same time!