64 Unique Ways To Be More Frugal

budget spreadsheet with calculator

Being frugal is so much more than pinching pennies and saving as much money as possible. Mastering your spending habits ensures that you are more likely to have enough money for your needs and the things that are most important to you. Plus, you enjoy peace of mind from avoiding and controlling debt. 

Frugality isn’t cutting yourself short and not allowing yourself to have fun; it is freeing yourself from thinking with your wallet, and having the awareness that joy can be found in other things than how you spend money. 

If you already know a lot about saving and personal finance, or if you’re just getting into it and trying to figure out where to start, This list of 64 unique ways you can help you be more frugal and achieve your goals. By using these tips you can start to save money and be empowered to live life the way you want to.  

1. Be Honest about Your Spending Habits


The first and most important step in learning how to be more frugal is understanding exactly what is happening to your money. You might think you’re saving money, but nickel-and-diming your budget to death is a real thing. There are often small purchases or overlooked bills that can complicate everything. 

To get a clear snapshot of your finances, track every single penny you use for an entire month. This includes everything from paying a toll while driving, to an extra round with your friend on the weekend.

Once you have a full view of where your money is going, you can better make a plan and enact the rest of these tips to see a change in your spending habits. You have to know where you’re starting from to recognize improvement.

2. Make a Budget


Knowing where your money is going is a great first step, but to be frugal, you should be in control of your money. Once you establish a budget and how much you plan to spend in different categories like entertainment, rent, bills, and food, stick to your plan. A budget, much like a diet, does no good if every day is cheat day. If you are constantly finding excuses to not stick to your budget, you’ll have a hard time being more frugal.

3. Stay in and Eat


Going out to a restaurant or even cheap fast food can get expensive fast. Learn how to cook and choose to stay in to eat, both saving money and gaining more control over your diet. Not only do you get to make the food you love, but leftovers are an easy way to make sure you have healthy food for your next lunch or over the next few days. 

4. Plan Your Meals


It’s easy to feel defeated when you’re looking through your cabinets trying to decide what you’ll have for dinner. You have some pasta, a few cans that you’re not quite sure why you bought, and no idea what to do with any of it. Rather than turning your kitchen into a cooking competition show trying to use cocktail olives and a box of macaroni and cheese for your next meal, plan out what you’re going to make and eat every day. 

A meal plan makes it easier to eat from home, and it also makes trips to the grocery store easier to manage. Rather than hunting around the store for whatever catches your eye, you are able to go in with a plan. This can help you spend less money on food, while still getting tasty, full-flavored meals throughout the week. 

5. Flip and Rotate Your Mattress


Your mattress has a lifespan. To get the most from your mattress, flip and rotate it every three months. This ensures that you’re not overusing the same spots in your bed every time you sleep, which will extend the life of your mattress (and give you more time before you have to buy a new one). 

6. Repurpose Timeless Furniture 


Decorating your home is important because it gives you a chance to show your personality and style. Your home should be a place you enjoy and feel comfortable in—but decorating it doesn’t have to be expensive. 

When searching for decorations and furniture, consider shopping at thrift stores, garage sales, or second-hand stores. Look for opportunities to take antique pieces and refinish or repurpose them for your home. This gives pieces with good bones a second life while giving you interior design on a budget. 

7. Deep Freeze


Your freezer is an important tool for learning how to be more frugal. When you make too much food for dinner, or there’s a sale at the store on meat, your freezer can keep it fresh for you to use later. You can freeze foods like:

  • Cooked pasta
  • Cooked rice
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Peeled bananas
  • Bread
  • Herbs
  • Wine
  • Meat 
  • Berries
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Blanched vegetables
  • Fish
  • Pastries
  • Soups
  • Bread dough

If you buy a new freezer, don’t throw away your old one. Put your old freezer in your garage or basement as a second storage for any bulky items or meals you want to save. 

8. Run Laundry on Cold


Not only does washing on cold mean your clothes are less likely to shrink, fade, or wrinkle, it also saves you money. A high-efficiency washing machine will typically use somewhere around 15-30 gallons of water, and to heat that much water every time you wash a load of clothes will quickly add up. By switching to cold water loads, you not only keep your clothes protected from unnecessary damage, which will help your wardrobe last longer, but you also save through lowering your water heating bill. 

9. Use Cash Only


Some people have a hard time sticking to their budget when they first start. If you’re one of those, move away from using your card and make all of your purchases cash only. 

By moving to cash-only purchases, you force yourself to stay in your budget. If you don’t have the money in your wallet, you can’t make the purchase.  Plus, studies show that people spend more when using a credit card than with cash.

10. Cut Down on Coffee


Getting a basic cup of coffee from some shops can cost you over $2.00. As soon as you start to get specialty brews or signature drinks, you can spend over $5.00 a day for a single drink. It might not seem like much, but if you get a drink of coffee every day before work, by the end of the year you will spend over $1,000 on your morning pick me up. 

Rather than paying for expensive cups of coffee, choose to make it at home with a coffee maker. It costs a fraction of what you’d pay at a coffee shop, and it can taste even better. 

11. Pack a Lunch


Just like going out for dinner can start to pile up in your budget, eating out for lunch does the same thing. Packing a lunch to bring to work helps you eat healthier, while also keeping your budget happy. 

12. Cover Refrigerated Food and Drink


With all of the meal preparation and cooking you’re doing at home, there’s a good chance that you’re going to have leftover foods and ingredients you’ll want to save. No matter if you’re putting your food in your fridge or freezer, make sure to cover it to save money and energy. 

Excess moisture and humidity in your fridge require more energy to keep cold. When your fridge has to work harder to stay cool, your energy bill will go up. Covering your food keeps your food fresh, and your electric bill lower. 

13. Pay Bills on Time


If you choose to wait or prioritize something other than your bills, there are often late fees and charges you have to pay. Paying on time, or even early, is a great habit to get in so you are not forced to pay out extra money. 

14. Negotiate and Barter


It might not work in every situation, but you should get in the habit of trying to negotiate or barter for a lower price on your purchases. While in some locations it can be perfectly okay (even expected) to challenge a price, in others, you can also try asking a sales clerk if they know of any sales or coupons that could help you save some money. 

Keep an eye out for any bills that are processed through a billing department. Oftentimes you can negotiate with the billing department for lower payment rates for a better deal. 

15. Try New Contracts with New Companies 


The contracts that you use for phone, insurance, cable, rent, or any other service, should always be under scrutiny. Just because you have been with a company for five years and they’ve treated you well in the past does not mean you have to stay with them if they are not the best financial option for you. Keep an eye out for better deals with other companies.

Before you leave your existing provider, let them know you are planning to switch because it’s cheaper with their competition. Many companies have sales or special deals they can offer to keep customers. This benefits you because not only do you get to keep your service, but you also get a better deal. 

16. Buy in Bulk


It might be deceptively cheap to buy a small bottle of hand soap for $4, but it’s actually cheaper to go to a bulk store like Costco or Sam’s Club and buy the bulk hand soap for $10. The small bottle’s real price is around 33 cents for an ounce, while the bulk product is only 6 cents an ounce. 

This works for many products, like paper goods, cleaners, and food. When you buy in bulk, you might have to pay more money upfront, but you are getting significantly more of what you are buying. 

17. Avoid the Dryer


Having dry clean clothes is essential, but constantly using your clothes dryer could be causing you to spend more on your energy bill than you need. On average, a household that chooses to give up their dryer and use line drying instead can save more than $200 a year

Not only does air drying your clothes save on your energy bill, but it is also more gentle on clothing, giving your wardrobe a longer life and helping every dollar you spend stretch a little bit further.  

18. Visit Local Parks


Your local parks are full of cheap and free activities that can help you stay healthy and give you time in the outdoors. Rather than running on a treadmill inside for hours, drop your gym membership for a free run through some of the beautiful parks in your neighborhood and community. 

19. Just Say No to Impulse Buys


One of the best ways to fight an impulse buy is to put time between you and the purchase. If the impulse buy still sounds tempting and feels like something you really need, it might be a good purchase. But standing in line and reactively purchasing a drink or snack just because you see it rarely is the choice you still want to make once a few days have passed by. 

Remember that impulse buys aren’t just the small little snacks or toys next to the cash register. They can also be items that are on sale. Buying something you’re not that interested in, but you purchased because it was 70% off, is an impulse buy. A common tactic in sales is to make a sale seem temporary or restricted to force impulse buys. Practice the same trick and give those purchases time to sit to judge if you really want to buy them. There will occasionally be times where you might miss out on a limited-time sale and have to pay slightly more, but more often than not, you will realize that it was only an impulse buy and you don’t actually need to buy it.

20. Use Less Makeup


Makeup can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Learning how to get the most out of your makeup, and being able to get a good look without using too much, can help you stay frugal. For some types of makeup, getting a simple application brush can help it last longer. For example, lipstick can last longer if you use a lip brush to get a thin layer of color over your lip, rather than smashing and rubbing it directly onto your lip from the tube. Being smart and intentional helps you save money and keeps you from overwhelming your skin with too much product. 

21. Buy Food in Season


It’s possible to get all types of food no matter what the season is, but the prices don’t always stay the same. There are seasons throughout the year when certain foods are easier to come by because they are in harvest and in abundance. 

Buying seasonal food helps you get cheaper, fresher, better-tasting food. For example, it’s possible to buy apples whenever you want, but if you want the tastiest, juiciest, and cheapest apples, you’ll find them during autumn.

To make the most of your dollar, learn how to freeze or store seasonal foods so you don’t have to pay higher prices only a few weeks or months later. 

22. Adjust the Thermostat


You can save as much as 10% a year in heating and cooling costs by using your thermostat correctly. The best way to get these savings is by adjusting your temperature 7-10 degrees for 8 hours a day from its normal setting. During the summer this means turning your temperature from 71 up to 81, and during the winter, dropping your temperature from 71 to 61 for those eight hours.

Great times to make this change are while you are out of the house or sleeping. If no one is home, or awake, you’ll never notice. During the winter, dropping the temperature at night can save on your energy bill, and a cool room can help you get to sleep better

23. Find Free or Cheap Activities 


You don’t have to spend money to have fun. There are always free or cheap activities in your area. Try looking at local community calendars or community websites to find activities you can attend. You can also find events at your local library, city hall, or university. 

24. Use Your Public Library


Living frugally does not mean you have to give up entertainment. Of course, your local public library is stocked with books you can read, but often you can also check out TV series, movies, magazines, and audiobooks. Most libraries even provide free internet access.

25. Eat the Right Portion Size


It’s estimated that roughly 30 to 40 percent of food is wasted. One of the biggest ways to reduce waste, and save money, is eating a healthy portion size. When you eat the right portion size, you don’t have to deal with throwing away food that you can’t eat.

26. Downsize Your Home


In some areas of the country, rent can be a major part of your budget, but it doesn’t always have to be. When you’re trying to learn how to be more frugal, you should consider where you live and if it’s necessary to stay there. Oftentimes, a smaller home or apartment will still fit your family and help you make some major savings every month. You can also consider looking at living in a different area or part of the town. 

27. Cut the Clutter 


When your life is chaotic and disorganized, you can waste a lot of time trying to find what you need, and in the worst cases, you buy what you already own. By cutting out the clutter and keeping your life organized, you are able to keep what you need clean, organized, and accessible, so you can resist double purchasing.

28. Stream What You Need


Cable TV is expensive, and chances are, what you want to watch isn’t on one of the hundreds of channels that you get with your cable package. Rather than paying for all those unused channels, drop your cable provider and sign up for a streaming service. 

When choosing a streaming service, research which shows they offer, and how often they update their movies and shows. You should also consider using free trials that many services provide to your advantage. Often there are only one or two shows that you want to watch that you can go through during the trial period without having to pay for an account. 

29. Iron Less 


Wrinkly clothes not only make you look sloppy, but they cost you to fix. An iron will use an average of 1,100 watts when heated on high. An hour of ironing can start to quickly increase your utilities. 

An easy way to iron less is to hang dry your clothes. Because your clothes aren’t sitting in the dryer they do not get wrinkled as easily. If you choose to use a dryer, one trick is to finish the drying cycle just a few minutes early, and while your clothes are still a bit damp, hang them on a hanger to finish drying. 

Investing in a wrinkle-free wardrobe can also help you in the long run. It’ll help save time when you’re getting ready in the morning, and save you money from running the iron.

30. Cut Your Phone Bill


Most phone plans come with bells and whistles you can live without. By choosing to cut and simplify your phone plan, and even your phone, you can save by paying for what you use, rather than paying for extra features and data you never touch. 

31. Don’t Auto-Fill Your Credit Card Information for Online Stores


One-click ordering online is a dangerous trap that can lead to impulse buying and wasting money on things you don’t really need. By taking your credit card information off your account and having to manually fill it in each time you purchase something, you give yourself that extra moment of clarity to think about what you’re buying. 

Is it something you actually need? Or is it a meaningless purchase you’re making for other reasons? 

Sometimes that extra step of contemplation and realization about the choices you’re making with your money is all you need to help you stay on budget and stay frugal. 

32. Shop at Thrift Shops


Second-hand stores don’t mean you’re stuck wearing tattered leftovers. With a bit of patience and fashion knowledge, you can easily find designer products at a fraction of the price and create a unique style. Rather than looking like everyone else who’s bought their wardrobe from the same store, you’ll never run into another person wearing the same outfit. 

33. Drink More Water


Drinking water helps your budget and waistline stay where you want them. It also helps you fight hunger cravings. Rather than reaching for another snack or paying for another round of drinks, a glass full of water can curb that craving and save you money. 

34. Grow a Garden


Rather than buying ingredients for cooking, why not grow them yourself? Gardening lets you grow the food you’ll eat with the knowledge that it’s fresh, organic, and healthy. 

If you don’t have a green thumb or a large backyard, that’s just fine. There are many plants you can grow in smaller spaces. Many plants can be grown in pots, and a small kitchen window is enough space to grow aromatic herbs indoors that will brighten your kitchen and your meals. 

35. Make Your Own Gifts


During the holidays it can be tricky to be frugal when you’re trying to get the perfect gift for people in your life. Rather than spending money on something from a store that you’re not sure they’ll appreciate, choose to make the gift yourself. A DIY present costs much less and gives it more meaning and value. That tricky person you’re trying to find a gift for may never use the store-bought present, but they’re less likely to throw away a handmade quilt, scarf, or toy. 

36. DIY Laundry Detergent 


Cleaning your clothes isn’t optional, but spending money on a name brand detergent is. With only three ingredients, it’s easy to follow this recipe to make your own detergent. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a year’s worth of laundry detergent for the same price as one bottle of the name brand stuff and still have clean fresh-smelling clothes. 

37. Lower Your Hot Water Heater Temperature


Your water heater is always on. What you might not know is that you can set the water temperature. The higher the resting temperature is in your water heater, the more energy it has to spend to keep water hot. 

One way you can lower your utility bill is by turning down the thermostat on your hot water heater. The best temperature for your heater is 120 degrees. At this temperature, you will help fight against any accidental scalding, and save on your utility bill. 

38. Learn to Sew


Finding an outfit that’s in your budget, is stylish, and fits you perfectly isn’t a dream. You can make it happen by learning how to sew. With this skill,  you can mend your existing outfits to make sure they last longer, tailor and alter pieces that don’t fit, and make new clothes.

39. Bundle Home and Auto Insurance 


Many insurance companies have deals for bundling home and auto insurance. Saving the extra cash from bundling your insurance is a great way to stay frugal, and it makes managing your payments easier because it’s all in one place. 

40. Gym Hop 


If you have to go to a gym to work out, consider gym hopping. Most gyms offer free classes and trial periods. Use all of these offers to get the workout you need to stay fit, without having to deal with the annoying monthly payments you hate. Don’t forget in your gym hopping rotation to also look into local community gyms or the gym and track at a local university. 

41. Drive Less


A car is an expensive machine to buy, insure, and maintain. Reducing how much you rely on your car and choosing to walk, ride a bike, or use public transportation can help you save a lot of money in the long run. If you feel like you have to keep your car, consider carpooling and ridesharing to help split the cost of gas. 

42. Shop with a Plan


Walking around a store grabbing whatever catches your eye is an expensive way to shop. Chances are you’ll grab things that you don’t need, while also forgetting some of the things you wanted to get. 

The best way to go shopping, no matter if it’s for groceries, hardware, tools, or outfits, is with a plan. Before you enter the store, you should have a clear idea of what you’re shopping for. Once you have a goal or a list, stick to it. This will stop you from wasting money on impulse purchases. 

43. Turn Off Your Lights and Appliances


Whenever you leave a room, turn off your lights. This will save electricity, lower your utility bills, and help extend the life of your lightbulbs.

It’s easy to see that your lights are on and remember to turn them off, but what about the rest of your appliances? Chances are you have appliances plugged in and ‘turned off’ that are still actively using electricity. 

Some appliances like your television, laptop charger, coffee pot, microwave, lamps, toothbrush chargers, cable box, phone charger, computer and monitors, stereos, modem, router, and gaming systems can actively use energy just by being plugged in. Anything with a transformer, those black boxes on power cords, draws power as long as it’s plugged in. 

If you don’t feel like unplugging everything every time you’re done using it, consider plugging things into a power strip with an on/off switch, or if your home is wired for it, connect an outlet to a light switch for an easy way to turn off the electricity.

Turning off your lights and appliances when you’re not using them can save about $165 a year, but depending on the devices and appliances you have plugged in, it could easily be more. 

44. Spending Fast


Not everything you spend money on is essential, and sometimes it can feel difficult to determine what is and isn’t something you can live without. One way of teaching yourself how to be more frugal is by going on a spending fast. 

To do a spending fast you cut out the unnecessary and superficial things you are spending money on and focus instead on the things you really need, like food and shelter. At first, it can feel demoralizing because you are giving up some of the things you used to love, but you’ll quickly find that there are other things in your life you can use for entertainment and relaxation that don’t cost nearly as much money. A spending fast can help you really understand how much you can live without, and also help you save up or get out of debt. 

45. Have a Goal


Being frugal just to be frugal is difficult to do. It’s like going to the gym just because you know that you should be doing it, but hating every moment of it. That type of motivation can get you started, but it’s hard to make it last. 

To make major changes to your life and how you think about and spend money, you need to have a goal you are working towards. This extra punch of motivation can be the thing to help you stay frugal when you are thinking about making an impulse buy or spending more money than you budgeted. 

46. Buy Store Brand and Generic Labels


Generic brands have come a long way and can compete toe to toe with their name brand counterparts. By switching to generic labels and store brands, you can save hundreds annually

There are times you might not want to go with store brand goods. Sometimes when sales are paired with coupons, it’s possible for the name brand products to be cheaper than generic labels. To make sure you get the best deal possible, always compare pricing. 

47. Shop at Garage Sales


Garage sales, yard sales, tag sales, estate sales, or whatever else you want to call them, are a great place to find deals and save money. Don’t forget to use online classified ads and neighborhood Facebook groups because they’re a starting point for online deals and trades. 

While the early bird is able to find big-ticket items everyone wants, you should also think about showing up late to the party. You can often negotiate and get lower prices for what’s left. Sellers are more likely to bargain as the day wears on because they don’t want to pack up and bring home the things left over. 

Before you go to a garage sale, make sure you do your research. With some knowledge, you can keep an eye out for the chance to flip your purchase. Some sellers don’t know the real value of what they have, which means a well-trained eye can spot a diamond in the rough and resell it for profit. 

48. Use Coupons


Coupons are almost like free money. It can feel like you’re not saving much when you use them, but every little bit helps. One of the best times to use coupons is when you can pair them together with an ongoing sale. 

Before you coupon, read the fine print. Most coupons have expiration dates as well as terms and conditions. These include simple things like if you need to buy multiple products to get the deal or if multiple coupons can stack together to get even more savings.

You should also track and use digital coupons. Some companies and product lines don’t have many or any physical coupons, but they do provide deals online that you can take advantage of. 

49. Know When to Not Coupon


Just because something is a good deal does not mean you have to buy it. Some frugal shoppers get into the mentality that if a product is on sale, it’s irresponsible for them to not purchase it. How can you possibly pass up a can of beets that’s 80% off? It might feel like you’re saving money, but you still have to spend money to earn those savings. 

Buying a product on sale does reduce the cost you have to pay, but if you’re looking for the best way to save money—don’t spend money. Especially on items you don’t need or won’t really use.

50. Focus on Debt First


As you start to save more money from being frugal, your first goal should be to get out of debt as soon as possible. The sooner you can pay off debt, the sooner you aren’t spending money on purchases you’ve already made and you can really start to really save. 

Consider using the debt snowball. This debt payment method focuses on paying off your smallest debt first. Once the smallest debt is paid off, you then use the budget you set aside to pay that debt toward your next smallest debt. The more debts you pay off, the more money you have to pay off the next debt. This should help you get out, and stay out of debt. 

51. Check Your Tires 


You might be able to improve your gas mileage by doing something as easy as checking your car’s tires to see if they’re inflated to the proper pressure. In some cases, you can improve your gas mileage by 3%. Not only does keeping your tires at the right pressure help reduce the amount of gas you have to buy, but it also improves the lifetime of your tires so you don’t have to buy new tires as often. 

52. Keep the Sun Out


The sun is an amazing source of heat and energy, but during the summer, it’s better to keep the sun out to avoid unwanted solar heat gain. Closing windows and blinds keeps direct sunlight out of your home, which helps you stay cooler without running your AC. 

During the winter, your blinds play a different role. Rather than keeping the heat out of your home, blinds and window curtains keep the warmth in. Closing the blinds can add some needed insulation to windows, which reduces heat loss and helps the warmth stay in.

53. Follow Your Favorite Brands on Social Media


Most brands and companies have social media accounts, and it pays to follow them. Some companies offer exclusive deals and promotions to their followers. If you already like the product and company, and you’re a regular customer, it never hurts to get additional savings. 

Following your favorite brands on social media also gives you a chance to directly interact with those companies. If you ever have a problem or concern, you can message the company and get a personal response to your problem. 

54. Use Loyalty Programs


A loyalty program can be something like a punch card that gives you a free purchase after a certain number of regular purchases, or a  more advanced program that gives points that can be cashed in for discounts. No matter what form it takes, loyalty programs help you buy the products you love the most without having to pay as much. Keep your eye out for events where you can earn bonus points to increase your savings. 

55. Make Your Own Beauty Products


Beauty products don’t have to be expensive luxury items. It’s possible to make your own deodorant, face masks, and dry shampoo for a fraction of the cost. These recipes will take away all of the dangerous ingredients like artificial fragrances and triclosan, and give you a fresh clean look and smell while staying under budget. 

56. Be Your Own Handyman


Going to the shop to get your oil changed, or having to hire a plumber to fix a clogged toilet can get expensive. Rather than relying on other people to fix your home and car, become your own handyman, and learn how to do it yourself. Simple things like learning how to change your own oil or snake a drain can save you from having to pay for high rates and extra fees. 

Start with easy projects around your house to learn the basics, and in no time when something goes wrong, rather than reaching for your phone to schedule an appointment to get it fixed, you’ll reach for your toolbelt to fix it yourself. 

57. Create a Community


You can tackle being frugal alone, but being part of a community of friends that are on the same track as you can be a great tool to become more frugal. You can learn from each other, share tips, and get together to hang out and have a fun time. And it’s a cheaper and better form of entertainment than paying to go to a movie theater together. 

58. Avoid Getting Sick


Taking time off from work to stay home, plus the additional medical bills that come with being sick, isn’t worth it. An important part of learning how to be more frugal is learning how to take care of yourself. When your body and mind are in shape, you’re more likely to be able to fight off that flu or cold and not have to pay to feel better. 

The easiest ways to avoid getting sick are the simple tips and tricks you possibly learned as a kid. 

  • Wash your hands
  • Brush your teeth
  • Eat your green vegetables
  • Get 8 hours of sleep

59. Shop after Holidays


Rather than being in the mob of people rushing the stores to get presents, you can find better deals the day and week after seasonal holidays. Postponing Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving a few days or even a week can help you score steep discounts on holiday decor and foods, as well as gifts for your loved ones. 

60. Ditch the Dry Cleaner


Consider using an at-home dry cleaning kit. It is possible to wash your dry clean only clothes at home, you just have to be cautious and take your time. Even things that you thought were impossible to wash, like puffer jackets and parkas, can be cleaned up at home. 

61. Quit Smoking


Smoking is an expensive, addictive habit. If you’re serious about living a more frugal life, put down your cigarette and watch how much money you save. Instead of having to pay for a patch or gum to curb your cravings, try some cheaper options: 

  • Throw away all cigarettes, lighters, matches, and ashtrays. Cleaning up your life to make it feel different makes it harder to slip back into the habit. 
  • Tell your friends, family, co-workers, and anyone you can about your goal. Being accountable to the people around you helps you stay honest and also gives you the emotional support you need for quitting. 
  • Attend a stop-smoking group. The twelve steps aren’t just for alcoholics, they work for any addiction you want to stop. 
  • Stay busy. Pick up a new hobby. Exercise more. Have a plan to do something in the time you’d normally use to smoke. 

It can feel tricky at first to quit smoking, but it is possible, and you will save money by making the change to your life. 

62. Use Less Water


A few simple changes to how you use water can help you save money on your utility bill. Turn off the water while you shave or brush your teeth. You should also consider installing low-flow faucet aerators. Regular facets can flow as high as three gallons per minute, but low-flow faucets will flow at 1.5 gallons per minute. 

Your toilet is another place you can save water. Upgrading your toilet to a more water-efficient model can help, as well as manually changing the amount of water your tank holds by modifying the float levels

Long, steaming showers are relaxing, but with the wrong type of shower head, you can be using 2.5 gallons of water every minute the shower is running. To fix this you can try switching your showerhead to a WaterSense labeled showerhead, which will reduce the amount of water used without reducing your shower quality. You should also consider taking shorter showers to help save on how much water you use. 

63. Lighten your trunk 


When your car is weighed down by excess junk in your trunk, it can hurt the efficiency and gas mileage of the car. Every extra 100 pounds you have inside your car reduces the gas mileage by 1%. The numbers are a bit more extreme depending on if your car is light or heavy to start with, and affect smaller vehicles more than larger ones. By lightening your load, your car will run better and you’ll save money in how much gas you have to purchase. 

64. Solar Energy


Adding solar panels to your home can drastically reduce, or even eliminate, your electric bills. Even if your solar system doesn’t produce all of the energy your home consumes, solar can still significantly reduce your utility bills.  

In some areas, if your energy production is high enough you can sell your excess energy to the utilities and make money from your solar system. If you aren’t able to sell it directly, you can also potentially earn credits, which means that if there is ever a cloudy day when your system isn’t able to produce enough energy, you’ll get energy from the utility for a reduced cost, or even free. 

If you are in an apartment and can’t purchase an entire solar system to be installed on your rooftop, there are still options for you. There are smaller windowsill solar systems you can use to augment your electricity savings. 

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