Month: October 2015

Couple in retirement

Worried about retirement?

Worried about your retirement savings? Here is our advice on how to start and how much you need to save in order to retire happily. Start now! The sooner you begin, the more time your money has to grow. If possible, start saving when you have consistent paychecks. Typically the best time is around 25.

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Monthly budgeting

October Budgeting

Need help budgeting for this month? Here are tips and tricks on where you can save and where to budget to make the most of October! Halloween. It’s creeping up fast. Make sure to budget for costumes and Candy for the trick-or-treaters. You don’t want to be the only one without candy this year. However,

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Kids financing savings

Your Kids and Finance

We learn most of habits from our parents. If you want your kids to be financially successful, there is a time and place when to start teaching them!

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Burger image

Why Burgers are Busting Your Budget

Did you know that the average American spends $1200 a year eating out? That is only eating out twice a week. If you eat out more, you could be spending closer to $2000 a year on fast food alone! Typically, this meal is a burger, pizza or fried chicken, according to Try these tips

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